203-0 | Topics in Social and Cultural Analysis | Issues and themes in Asian American society and culture. Recent topics include the second generation and language in Asian America. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
210-0 | Introduction to Asian American Studies | Origins of the field, emerging trajectories, core concepts, theories and methodologies. Analyzes race, gender, immigration, diaspora, class, labor, and sexuality as primary subjects of the field. |
214-0 | Asian Am History | Introduction to the history of Asians in the United States, with a focus on their impact on American society as well as their experiences within the U.S. Taught with HISTORY 214; may not receive credit for both classes. |
216-0 | Global Asians | Survey of Asian diasporas in the U.S. and elsewhere in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, emphasizing causes of migration, process of settlement, relations with other ethnic groups, and construction of diasporic identities. Taught with HISTORY 216; may not receive credit for both courses. |
218-0 | Asian-Black Historical Relations in the U.S. | Comparative historical analysis of relations of these groups in the U.S., including racialized and sexualized discourses structuring interracial relations and social, political, and economic location. Slavery, immigration, model minority myth, cross-racial politics. Taught with AF AM 218; may not receive credit with a different topic. |
220-0 | Topics in History | Exploration of theme, event, region, or historical period, with emphasis on historical interpretation; may be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
225-0 | Asian American Communities | Critical examination of post-1965 Asian American communities in light of demographic, social, racial and economic trends in the U.S. and Asia |
235-0 | Language in Asian America | Survey of linguistic anthropological topics relevant to Asian American communities, including bilingualism, code switching, language socialization, language shift, style, sociolinguistic variation, indexicality, media, and semiotics. Taught with ANTHRO 235, may not receive credit for both courses. |
247-0 | Asian Americans and Popular Culture | Examination of the place of Asian Americans within American popular culture, historically and today. |
251-0 | Multiracial Asian Americans | Exploration of Demographic trends in interracial and interethnic marriages to highlight the complexity of the American experience. Special attention to mixed-race experiences portrayed in film and novels. Taught with AF AM 251; students may not receive credit for both courses. |
275-0 | Introduction to Asian American Literature | Introduction to Asian American literature from the late 19th century to the present, covering a range of genres and ethnicities. Taught with ENGLISH 275; may not receive credit for both courses. |
276-0 | Topics in Literature and Culture | Close study of Asian American literary and cultural texts within a theme, genre, or other organizing criterion. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
303-0 | Advanced Topics in Social and Cultural Analysis | Detailed exploration of an issue in Asian American society and culture, and its ramifications. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
304-0 | Asian American Women’s History | Exploration of race, gender, and the contours of U.S. history from the perspective of Asian American women’s experiences. Considers migration, exclusion, labor, marriage, family, sexuality, and cross-racial alliances. Taught with HISTORY 304; may not receive credit for both courses. |
310-0 | Contemporary Asian-Black Relations | Divides between these groups, as well as areas of positive cross-cultural collaboration. Historical analysis of reparations, the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and affirmative action. Cross-racial exchange in youth expression popular culture, hip-hop. Taught with AF AM 310; may not receive credit for both courses. |
320-0 | Advanced Topics in History | Close study of Asian American history within a theme, event, or other organizing criterion, with emphasis on primary documents, historical interpretation, and research. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
360-0 | Advanced Topics in Sexuality, Gender, and Race | Exploration of the intersections of gender, race, and sexuality, the construction of masculinity and femininity, and the role of gender and sexuality in the life experiences of Asian Americans. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
365-0 | Language and Race in the US | Analysis connections between language ideologies, language use, and meanings of race and ethnicity. Bilingualism, immigration, identity, accented English, African American English, language policy, English-only movement, education, social change. Taught with ANTHRO 365; may not receive credit for both courses. |
370-0 | Advanced Topics in Diaspora | Exploration of the ideas of diaspora and homeland and their implications for rethinking immigration and migration as they relate to the experiences of Asian Americans. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
376-0 | Advanced Topics in Literature and Culture | Close study of Asian American literary and cultural texts within a theme, genre, or other organizing criterion, with an emphasis on theory and its application. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. |
377-0 | War and Empire | Examination of U.S.-Asia connections through history and representations of U.S. wars in cultural and historical texts. |
380-0 | Advanced Topics in Arts and Performance | Analysis of Asian American contributions to the art, visual culture, and film of the U.S. Exploration of the dynamics of race, gender, and class in Asian American dance, theater, film, art, and visual culture. May be repeated for credit with different topic. |
392-0 | Advanced Seminar for Majors and Minors | Seminar of a topic in areas related to Asian American social structure and culture. May be repeated for credit with different topic. |
399-0 | Independent Study in Asian American Studies | Readings and conferences on special subjects for students pursuing areas of interest in Asian American studies. |